8:45 am
9:00 am
Waiting Room Opens
9:00 am
9:30 am
Opening Remarks and 2020 CATs in Review
2020 will go into the history books as both one-of-a-kind and the same old, same old. While a global pandemic paused many aspects of our lives, catastrophes gave us no reprieve. Natural catastrophe records were broken globally, including some right in our backyard. Though 2020 was a year of exceptions in many ways, it falls right in line with the past decade when it comes to Canada’s increasing trend of annual catastrophic loss. Our first panel of the day will discuss Canada’s record-setting CAT year in detail, reviewing the events that pushed 2020’s insured losses toward CAN $2.5 billion.
9:30 am
10:30 am
State of the Industry
2020 brought profound change in the operating environment for insurance companies. The panel will explore the implications of these changes for the management of catastrophe claims. What is the current state of the industry? How have insurance companies, reinsurers and brokers responded to change over the past year? What is the new ‘normal’ for the industry, with a focus on management of cat hazards? The pandemic has increased awareness of low probability / high consequence hazards, what are the implications for the insurance industry? How will extraordinary spending by governments affect their financial and political capacity to address other issues? In particular, what might we expect from the government to address climate change? Why has the pandemic increased the importance of legal wording of coverage? Importantly, what actions best address the mental and physical health of employees?

Peter Askew
President and CEO
Guy Carpenter

Carol Jardine
President, Canadian P&C Operations
Wawanesa Insurance

Monica Ningen
President and CEO, Canada and English Caribbean
Swiss Re
10:30 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
The Future of Claims Adjusting
The Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly accelerated technology solutions in the insurance industry. While some companies were already invested in remote programs and automated solutions, others struggled to adapt to the sudden and unexpected shift. How are adjusters, insurers, vendors, and the overall industry continuing to meet the needs of customers through this unpredictable climate? There are success stories and challenges throughout the last year and “Business as Usual” will look different in the year ahead. The Future of Claims Adjusting will look at this period of unprecedented change, how the industry has adapted, and what to expect in 2021 and beyond.

Bill Dietz
Paul Davis Canada

Skip McHardy
CRU Group Inc.

James Swayze
SVP, Insurance Business Development
CoreLogic, Insurance Solutions
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
Impacts of the Supply Chain on the Insurance Industry
The Supply Chain for the insurance industry is an integral component of the claim process ensuring customer satisfaction by returning them to pre-loss conditions quickly. It is also a vital ingredient for insurers and service providers in maintaining continuous operations and mitigating financial risk. In current times, when there are many potential disrupters to the Supply Chain, we will review the impacts that CAT events, Covid-19 and other potential disrupters pose and strategies being considered to protect and safe guard against disrupters of the future.

Darilyn Dorosz
General Manager
PDR Hail Team

Jim Gibb
Vice President, Installation Services
Peak Services

Ian McKay
AVP, National Accounts, Insurance Company Solutions

Colin Young
J.S. Held
1:30 pm
1:45 pm
1:45 pm
2:45 pm
Fireside Chat: Learning From “No More” Moments: Implementing Adaptation Ambition in 2021
A groundswell of adaptation ambition emerged in 2020 and culminated in the global Climate Adaptation Summit. World leaders like Prime Minister Trudeau, President Biden, President Macron, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Secretary General Antonio Guterres all attended this global Summit, underscoring the imperative for climate adaptation. Building on the success of 2020, a new opportunity has emerged to translate this high ambition into pragmatic solutions which integrates climate risk into decision-making and investments in countries and communities around the world. This panel brings together three internationally recognized adaptation experts – Alice C. Hill, Ambassador Patricia Fuller, and Don Forgeron — to discuss the adaptation opportunities that have been unlocked in the past year. The discussion will address what lessons have been learned from 2020 on adaptation, and some of the key initiatives that will be pursued in Canada and the U.S. in the year to come.

Patricia Fuller
Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change
Government of Canada

Alice Hill
David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment,
Council on Foreign Relations
2:45 pm
2:55 pm
2021 Natural Catastrophes: The Forecast Says?
Following a highly active year for natural catastrophes in 2020 across North America, the focus shifts to 2021. This session will give a quick overview on current ENSO projections, and how that phenomenon may provide some clues as to what Mother Nature could bring for the rest of the year.
2:55 pm
Closing Remarks
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