9:45 am
Opening Remarks
10:00 am
Flood Task Force Update
Public Safety Canada will provide an update on the new national flood insurance program that will aim to provide support to those that live in high-risk flood areas. This program has been created by a task force made up of government leaders and stakeholders and is set to be released in late spring.

Matthew Godsoe
Director of the Resilience and Economics Integration Division
Public Safety Canada
11:15 am
Climate Change Implications & Insurability for Vulnerable Populations
Spotlight on insurability issues faced by vulnerable and marginalized populations in Canada and the United States.

Mallika Bender
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Staff Actuary
Casualty Actuarial Society

Jason Thistlethwaite
Associate Professor of Environment and Business, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)
University of Waterloo
12:30 pm
Concerns Facing Agriculture Insurance
This session focuses on special issues surrounding agriculture and producers in Canada, with a scope including financial risk management, hail, and drought/excess moisture.

Steve Funk
Director, Ag Risk Management Resources

Scott McQueen
Chair, Canadian Crop Hail Association, and Chief Operating Officer
Palliser Insurance

Elaine Wheaton
Adjunct Professor, University of Saskatchewan and Emeritus Researcher, Saskatchewan Research Council
University of Saskatchewan
1:45 pm
Keynote Presentation: The Human Impacts of the Catastrophic Loss Ecosystem
Where do people fall through the cracks following a disaster? What are the limits of insurance? These topics and more are on the table for our keynote address featuring speakers from The Canadian Red Cross.

Shelley Cardinal
Director, Indigenous Relations
Canadian Red Cross

Emily Pietropaolo
Vice President, Recovery
Canadian Red Cross

Sarah Sargent
Vice President, Canadian Operations Programming
Canadian Red Cross

Sharonya Sekhar
Director, Humanitarian Diplomacy, Policy and Movement Relations
Canadian Red Cross
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