Marjorie Brans
Global Catalyst at The League of Intrapreneurs
Marjorie Brans is the Environmental Defence Green Champion of 2017, a BMW Foundation Responsible Leader, and winner of the Tufts University Presidential Award for Citizenship, Spirit of Lord Michael Young Award, and the Sir James Woods Award for Community Development. Marjorie has contributed to work across five continents aimed at creating a regenerative and equitable economy. She is passionate about using insurance to promote community resilience and worked with Oxfam, Swiss Re, and the World Food Programme to develop a climate change insurance program for subsistence farmers that has now been scaled to 14 countries and nearly 400,000 households. She is a co-founder of five non-profit initiatives including the League of Intrapreneurs Canada, the School for Social Entrepreneurs Canada, CLARION (Community-Led Action to Resilience in our Neighbourhoods), PhotoVoice US, and the Maitri Platform.