Tyrone McNeil
President & Tribal Chief at Stó:lo Tribal Council
Tribal Chief Tyrone McNeil is Stó:lō and a member of Seabird Island Band. He has extensive experience working to advance First Nations languages and education, collaborating with First Nations across the country, and developing agreements and partnerships with government. Tribal Chief McNeil is Chair of the Emergency Planning Secretariat, an organization in the Lower Mainland that supports Mainland Coast Salish First Nations with disaster planning, preparedness and response. The EPS is currently working on a Hilekw Sq’eq’o, a Regional Action Plan for the Mainland Coast Salish to achieve resilience by blending Indigenous science and worldview with worldwide best practices. Through this role, Tribal Chief McNeil was instrumental during and after the 2021 Atmospheric River advocating and supporting Mainland Coast Salish First Nations.
Tribal Chief McNeil manages a First Nation construction company that employs up to 70 Indigenous men and women, with expertise in Operational Health and Safety, safety audits, human resources management, operations and budgeting in civil construction and pipeline industries. He also holds numerous leadership positions including, President of Stó:lō Tribal Council, President of First Nation Education Steering Committee, AFN Chiefs Committee on Education rep for BC, Special Advisor to the First Nations Leadership Council on Emergency Management, Chair of the Tripartite Emergency Management Working Group, Chair to the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC) to the Canada Energy Regulator, Chair of Seabird College, President of the Sqewqel (Seabird) Development Corporation and Standing Chair of Union of BC Indian Chiefs.
Tribal Chief Tyrone McNeil is an active hunter, fisher and gatherer and looks forward to teaching his four grandchildren as he has been taught and learned.