CatIQ Connect brings Industry, Academia, and Government together to discuss Canadian Natural and Human-Made Catastrophes.

CatIQ Connect is a content-driven discussion to foster collaboration before, during, and after catastrophic events.

CatIQ Connect provides a detailed overview of catastrophes, discusses strategies in catastrophe management, and explores sector perspectives. Overall themes are preparedness and resiliency, available tools, and impacted stakeholders and policymakers working together for the greater good of all Canadians.

Registration for CatIQ Connect 2026 opens in Fall 2025.


Visit our event archives here

Steering Committee Members

Caroline Floyd

Caroline Floyd
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification

Charlene Ferris

Charlene Ferris
Manager, National Property Major Events
The Co-operators Group

Cindy Curtis
National Catastrophe Manager
Crawford & Company


Erika Schurr
Chief Actuary
Travelers Canada

Glenn McGillivray

Glenn McGillivray
Managing Director
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

Izzy Graham

Izzy Graham
Senior Reinsurance Broker

Jim Abraham

Jim Abraham
Past President and Fellow
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Karen Francis

Karen Francis
Senior Vice President
Guy Carpenter

Kathryn Bakos

Kathryn Bakos
Managing Director, Finance and Resilience
Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation

Kelly O'Neill

Kelly O’Neill
Senior Natural Catastrophe Pricing Analyst

Ken Mok

Ken Mok
Executive Vice President
Gallagher Re

Kyle Winston

Kyle Winston

Laura Twidle

Laura Twidle
President and CEO
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification

Marjorie Brans

Marjorie Brans
Global Catalyst
The League of Intrapreneurs

Nevina Kishun

Nevina Kishun
MSA Research

Phil Donelson
Vice President, Public Policy
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Rebecca Wagner

Rebecca Wagner
Associate Director
Environment and Climate Change Canada

Sharmalene Mendis-Millard

Sharmalene Mendis-Millard
Partners for Action - University of Waterloo

Vincent Accardo

Vincent Accardo
Senior Manager, Property & Marine Claims | National CAT Manager
Zurich Canada

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