An Important Conversation

CatIQ Connect is a content-driven discussion to foster collaboration before, during and after catastrophic events. This conference provides a detailed overview of catastrophes, discusses strategies in catastrophe management and explores sector perspectives. Overall themes are on preparedness and resiliency, available tools, and impacted stakeholders and policy makers working together for the greater good of all Canadians.

More Details Here

Who Should Attend?

CatIQ Connect brings together industry, academia and government to discuss Canadian natural and human-made catastrophes. Participants will have the opportunity to engage and collaborate with experts from a variety of sectors. Past attendees include professionals from the following areas:

  • Insurers & Reinsurers
  • Government representatives from various levels
  • Academics & Researchers

  • Engineers
  • Emergency Managers & Emergency Responders

  • CAT Modelers
  • Risk Consultants
  • Regulators
  • Finance
  • Urban Planners
  • Builders
  • IT Executives supporting their business associates

What Past Attendees Have Said

What attendees of past CatIQ Connect events have had to say!

CatIQ Connect

This conference is very much recommended for risk professionals. CatIQ did a very good job of bringing disaster impacts to life, particularly in a virtual setting.

Kimberly Rafuse, P.Eng, CRM, Temple Insurance

CatIQ Connect

It was a blast to participate in CatIQ Connect. The conference offered a fabulous opportunity for the insurance and risk management industries to think about how to handle increasing disaster load in Canada. We need creativity and financial innovation to rise to the challenge. Together we identified lots of low hanging fruit and areas that will require novel partnerships and ways of thinking. Can’t wait to see what people do over the next year.
Marjorie Brans, 2020 Co-Emcee and Director of Ecosystem Impact, School for Social Entrepreneurs Canada

CatIQ Connect

My favourite part was that not only re/insurers joined the conference but so many people from governmental agencies and academia joined as well. This provided a great forum for much more thorough discussions and getting multiple angles on climate change issues. The topics covered were relevant and the speakers had great insights and opinions to share. It was also a great opportunity to network.
Dipika Deol, Swiss Re

This is perhaps the top emergency management conference I’ve attended, for this reason – connecting the horizontal linkages between ‘silos of excellence.’ The cross-section of industry, government and academia is a truly innovative approach to explore different perspectives with regards to disasters

Adam Davey, City of Prince George / PG Fire Rescue
I had the chance to meet with representatives of different institutions, and discuss the questions and issues proposed in the workshop. It was rewarding to meet with new people, create connections, and solve the proposed problems by giving and connecting ideas from our broad range of backgrounds
Carlos Herrera, University of Victoria
This was my first CatIQ Conference – it was really well done, and I will recommend it to others next year
Danny Cooper, OSFI

Steering Committee Members

Caroline Floyd

Caroline Floyd
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification

Charlene Ferris

Charlene Ferris
Manager, National Property Major Events
The Co-operators Group

Cindy Curtis
National Catastrophe Manager
Crawford & Company


Erika Schurr
Chief Actuary
Travelers Canada

Glenn McGillivray

Glenn McGillivray
Managing Director
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

Izzy Graham

Izzy Graham
Senior Reinsurance Broker

Jim Abraham

Jim Abraham
Past President and Fellow
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Karen Francis

Karen Francis
Senior Vice President
Guy Carpenter

Kathryn Bakos

Kathryn Bakos
Managing Director, Finance and Resilience
Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation

Kelly O'Neill

Kelly O’Neill
Senior Natural Catastrophe Pricing Analyst

Ken Mok

Ken Mok
Executive Vice President
Gallagher Re

Kyle Winston

Kyle Winston

Laura Twidle

Laura Twidle
President and CEO
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification

Marjorie Brans

Marjorie Brans
Global Catalyst
The League of Intrapreneurs

Nevina Kishun

Nevina Kishun
MSA Research

Phil Donelson
Vice President, Public Policy
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Rebecca Wagner

Rebecca Wagner
Associate Director
Environment and Climate Change Canada

Sharmalene Mendis-Millard

Sharmalene Mendis-Millard
Partners for Action - University of Waterloo

Vincent Accardo

Vincent Accardo
Senior Manager, Property & Marine Claims | National CAT Manager
Zurich Canada