Diane Campbell
Director General, Prediction Services Directorate, Meteorological Service of Canada at Environment Canada
Diane Campbell has worked for over 30 years in the Canadian Public Service. She started her career as a marine biologist conducting toxicological and environmental studies and moved into research management where she held progressively more senior managerial positions overseeing environmental, mineral, metals and earth sciences-related science programs at Natural Resources Canada. She served for several years as the National Director of Environmental Assessment at Environment Canada.
Diane is currently the Director General of Prediction Services at Canada’s Meteorological Service of Canada. She oversees the delivery of weather, air quality and climate services to Canadians including the public, marine, aviation weather forecasts and warnings across Canada; the weather web site; telephone and social media dissemination systems; Canadian ice services; and military weather forecasts. She is leading several major service transformations within the Meteorological Services of Canada including the development of new client and sector specific services.
She is the Canadian lead for the North American Climate Services Partnership and is an active advocate, and a Canadian focal point, within the World Meteorological Organization community, on the Global Framework for Climate Services.