Lapo Calamai

Director, Catastrophic Risk & Economic Analysis at IBC

Lapo has several years of economic and public policy experience in the public, private and non-profit sectors. His expertise spans across several industry areas and lines of business, including insurance and reinsurance tax, solvency capital, prudential regulation, corporate governance, and adaptation to climate change.

He has served as an economist and policy advisor to industry leaders, ministers, and government executives in federal and provincial governments in the United Kingdom and Canada. He has contributed to federal and provincial budgets on a wide spectrum of regulatory and policy issues including financial services regulation, state and private pension policy, capital planning and public finance, public-private partnerships, and infrastructure investment.

Having joined IBC in 2012, Lapo leads research, analytics, and policy development to address some of the industry’s most pressing financial, regulatory, and commercial challenges. He also leads IBC’s catastrophe risk management practice, working with governments and insurance executives across Canada to promote sound disaster risk management by leveraging risk transfer and catastrophe insurance and reinsurance solutions.

A published author on emerging economic policy issues, Lapo holds an undergraduate degree in economics and a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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