10:20 am
Waiting Room Opens
10:30 am
Opening Remarks
10:45 am
High-Risk Flood Insurance Pool Updates for Canada
An update on Canada’s Flood Risk Pool.
11:15 am
11:30 am
How to connect risk information, decisions...and consequences?
In this intensely interactive session we will explore new modalities of learning and dialogue, integrating creativity and innovation into risk financing. Combining collaboration and competition, participants will confer on allocating scarce resources – pursuing protection and prosperity. Changing risks will pose challenges, eliciting insights, while enabling some Serious Fun. Join us to experience the complexity of future risks, and jointly brainstorm how the CatIQ network can rethink its approach to communication with stakeholders in the insurance sector and beyond!
12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:15 pm
Success Stories and Novel Approaches from Real-World Projects
The term ‘thinking outside the box’ may be cliché but that doesn’t mean the concept is without merit. This panel brings together experts who have not only implemented innovative approaches to communicating and addressing risk, but who have gone on to see results in the real world.

Marjorie Brans
Global Catalyst
The League of Intrapreneurs

Simon J. Mitchell
Vice President
Resilient Habitats, World Wildlife Fund Canada

Sheila Murray
CREW (Community Resilience to Extreme Weather)
2:15 pm
2:30 pm
Decision Science and Risk Systems: How people think about risk, and why they react as they do
Insurance industry stakeholders know the same outreach and education will generate a variety of responses from the insured. What drives those responses, and how can we best connect with broad populations, given diverse backgrounds and situations? Experts on decision science, the interpretation of risk, and the challenge of communicating hazards weigh in.

Jen Henderson
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geosciences
Texas Tech University

Erin Kelly
President & CEO
Advanced Symbolics Inc.

Howard Kunreuther
Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
4:00 pm
4:15 pm
Insights from New Zealand's Earthquake Commission
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission Te Komihana Ruwhenua is a Crown-owned, natural disaster insurance agency covering residential damage from earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunami, and geothermal activity, and land damage from storm and floods. It was set up in the 1940s following excessively slow economic recovery from a series of earthquakes, and had a specific intent to protect the physical assets of New Zealanders and enable faster rebuild and repair following disasters.
This presentation and discussion will look at New Zealand’s public-private model of insurance, how it has learned from the devastating Canterbury Earthquake Sequence of 2010-2011, and how the EQC is now playing a pivotal role disaster risk reduction in New Zealand – leveraging its unique position between government, science, financial institutions, and the public, and its investment in science, research, and data.

Jo Horrocks
Chief Resilience and Research Officer
Earthquake Commission
5:00 pm
Closing Remarks
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