Jo Horrocks, Ph.D
Chief Resilience and Research Officer at Earthquake Commission
Jo’s team contributes to a programme of around $24 million investment in scientific data, research and education to help us better understand New Zealand’s natural hazards risks.
Jo joined Toka Tū Ake EQC from 13 years in the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. There she led development of the National Disaster Resilience Strategy, as well as other strategic national policies and programmes.
Jo’s team help us understand New Zealand’s natural hazards risks better and take steps to reduce the impact of those risks. Everything from how house foundations on slopes behave in an earthquake, changes in a volcano’s plume that could indicate an eruption is coming, to technology for monitoring slow-moving urban landslides.
Jo is strongly motivated by tackling complex social issues and progressing improved outcomes for New Zealanders. Her future focus is ensuring scientific research results get to the right people making decisions on the policies and practices that make a difference for households and communities to translating science into easy to use knowledge for New Zealanders.