8:55 am
Webinar Waiting Room Opens
9:00 am
9:30 am
Opening Remarks and 2021 CATs in Review
CatIQ Managing Director Laura Twidle reviews the catastrophes of 2021, including updated loss totals for the year and how they fit with trends both in Canada and globally.

Laura Twidle
President and CEO
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification
9:30 am
10:30 am
State of the Industry 2022
Our executive panel discusses the state of the industry two years into the pandemic. How have insurers, reinsurers, and brokers responded to the repeated shocks of the past 12 months? Has the insurance industry settled into a ‘new normal’? What are the next big challenges facing risk managers when it comes to cat hazards? And are the years of annual losses below $2B behind us?

Lisa Guglietti
Executive Vice President and COO, P&C Manufacturing
The Co-operators Group

Claus-Ulrich Kroll
President and CEO
Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada and Temple Insurance

Matt Wolfe
President - Reinsurance Solutions (Canada)
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Government Spotlight
The session will function as a spotlight on efforts by Government, focusing on work underway at the federal level including: Public Safety Canada’s development of a National Risk profile and creation of a federal/provincial/insurance industry collaborative Task Force on Flood Insurance and Relocation, insights from Environment and Climate Change Canada on the National Adaptation Strategy, and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation views on residential flood scoring.

Laniel Bateman
Director, Climate Adaptation Policy
Environment and Climate Change Canada

Steve Mennill
Planning, Housing Finance & Policy Consultant

Vanessa Wen
Director, Strategic Policy Division
Public Safety Canada
12:00 pm
12:20 pm
Building a Resilient Canada Report
This presentation will provide an overview of a new expert panel report from the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA), Building a Resilient Canada. It identifies essential actions that households, communities, businesses, and governments can undertake to reduce vulnerability and exposure to extreme weather in a changing climate. The report details the resources, funding programs, investment choices, and insurance offerings that can contribute to more effective decision-making, and the governance structures that can help to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Visit www.cca-reports.ca for more information about this report.

Scott Vaughan
Chair, Expert Panel on Disaster Resilience in a Changing Climate
Council of Canadian Academies (CCA)
12:45 pm
1:45 pm
Incentivizing 'Build Back Better'

Justin Pockar
Manager Customer Advisory Services
The City of Calgary

Doug Tarry
Doug Tarry Homes
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Keynote Presentation - Climate change: emissions, risks and a reinsurer.
The 2021 natural disasters in Canada have shown what we can expect in the future due to climate change. Changing weather patterns have a high impact on insurance, but they are only one of the drivers pushing the climate agenda. The insurance industry is urged to act. The session provides you with insights as to how (re)insurance act – act in supporting to limit global warming, act to support the transition to a low carbon economy and act to withstand and manage physical risks.

Chris Gottardo
Head of Global Business Development, Financial Institutions, Climate Change Solutions
Munich Re
3:00 pm
3:15 pm
2022 Natural Catastrophes: The Forecast Says?
Following another highly active year for natural catastrophes in 2021 across North America, the focus shifts to 2022. This session will give a quick overview on clues as to what Mother Nature could bring for the rest of the year, including a look at current ENSO conditions.

Steven Bowen
Meteorologist and Head of Catastrophe Insight
Webinar Sponsors