Day 1 - February 3

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Registration Opens

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Workshop hosted by the Canadian Red Cross - Part 1

The Canadian Red Cross is pleased to be hosting the CatIQ Conference Workshop on February 3, 2020. In providing side-by-side case management assistance to disaster impacted individuals and small businesses, we have gained a thorough understanding of the end line costs to Canadians following a disaster event. For those with severe damage/destruction or in complex cases our relationship typically lasts approximately 2-3 years post-event and long after any insurance claim closure or DFA assistance being provided. We are excited to share insights on the catastrophic recovery ecosystem based on our data collection of recent Canadian disaster events. Participants will be provided with an overview of insights in the insurance, DFA, and construction industries as well as case studies and pain points.

Participants will be led in a ‘choose your own adventure’ style exercise to discover the sometimes impossible choices Canadians are faced with due to the catastrophic recovery ecosystem and asked for suggestions to remedy these issues. Based on this data, the Canadian Red Cross will be providing a report on the creation of a national flood insurance program in its role of advocating for individuals and small businesses affected by disasters. The feedback and recommendations of this group will be cited in this report.

Amy Avis

Amy Avis
General Counsel and Chief of Recovery Services
Canadian Red Cross

Emily Pietropaolo
Vice President, Recovery
Canadian Red Cross

Shannon Veilleux

Shannon Veilleux
Director of Incidents, Insurance and Risk
Canadian Red Cross

Session Sponsor

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Networking Break

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3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Workshop hosted by the Canadian Red Cross - Part 2

Day 2 - February 4, 2021

8:00 am
Registration Opens

8:00 am - 8:45 am

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8:45 am - 9:00 am
Welcome & Acknowledgements and Intro Address

Laura Twidle

Laura Twidle
President and CEO
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc.

Jim Abraham

Jim Abraham
Past President and Fellow

Marjorie Brans

Marjorie Brans
Global Catalyst
The League of Intrapreneurs

9:00 am - 9:15 am
2019 CATs in Review

The conference will begin with an overview of catastrophes that occurred in 2019. This comprehensive review will include a chronology of events, geographic footprints of impacted areas, related media and insured loss estimates provided by CatIQ.

9:15 am - 10:15 am
Leadership and Financial Solutions to Climate Change

Corporate leadership is clearly seen as a critical element in responding to the significant economic challenges presented by climate change. Such leadership can serve both as a catalyst for, and in conjunction with, emerging government policies. Barbara Zvan from the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance will speak to the Panel’s recent thought-provoking recommendations on a national strategy, and Roger Beauchemin, President & CEO of Addenda Capital, will speak to how a progressive insurer and investor is working to leverage its position to address both the risk and opportunity sides of the climate change equation.

Bill Murphy

National Partner, Risk and Sustainability Services

Roger Beauchemin
President & CEO
Addenda Capital Inc.

Barbara Zvan
Chief Risk and Strategy Officer
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan

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10:15 am - 10:45 am
Networking Break

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Morning Concurrent Session A
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Mental Health and Disasters

We tend to focus on the financial cost of disasters; but so often, the psychological and social costs are forgotten. This session will host speakers from the Canadian Red Cross, Stan Darling Insurance, and Desjardins. The panelists will speak to their experiences during disasters, and will include their best practices for claims teams, homeowners and first responders to overcome the emotional stress of working in and living through these events.

Anna Ziolecki

Anna Ziolecki

Managing Director
Partners for Action

Stephen Darling
Stan Darling Insurance Inc.

Chantal Gagné
Desjardins Insurance

Alison Paul

Alison Paul
Senior Advisor, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Canadian Red Cross

Morning Concurrent Session B
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Standards: A New Tool for Flood Resilient Design

As communities continue to be overwhelmed by extreme storms, there is an increasing need to find new solutions to compliment traditional ways for managing stormwater and mitigating flooding. This session will discuss the role of new consensus based standards and other similar new methodologies or tools that can add to the existing toolkit of governments and stormwater practitioners to achieve flood resilient design for communities.

Dwayne Torrey

Dwayne Torrey

Director, Construction and Infrastructure
CSA Group

David Foster
Senior Advisor, Policy & Communications
Canadian Home Builders' Association

John Sankey
Director, Investigative Services, Ontario Claims
Intact Insurance

Bert van Duin
Drainage Technical Lead, Water Resources
City of Calgary

11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Keynote Address
Lunch and Fireside Chat

Maryam Golnaraghi

Director, Climate Change & Emerging Environmental Topics
Geneva Association

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Afternoon Concurrent Session A
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Fort McMurray Rebuild

As we near the fourth anniversary of Canada’s costliest disaster, the Fort McMurray wildfire, we will hear experts speak to the rebuild.

Rob de Pruis

National Director, Consumer & Industry Relations
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Kelly Hansen
Director of Recovery Operations
Canadian Red Cross

Andrew Ross
SVP, Operations Canada
J.S. Held ULC

Laura Stewart
Provincial FireSmart Liaison
Government of Alberta

Afternoon Concurrent Session B
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Risk Assessment: Current Practice and a Critical Evaluation

This session will review the current practice of risk assessment within the field of emergency management. An expert panel moderated by Professor Aaida Mamuji from the York University Disaster and Emergency Management program will give short presentations:

  • Public Safety Canada will discuss the general methodology being used by Canada’s new National Risk Profile.
  • Credit Valley Conservation will discuss their “Risk and Return on Investment Tool” for identifying flood risk under current climate and climate change scenarios.
  • BCPRiskManagement will discuss methodologies of risk assessment, particularly risk matrix approaches such as HIRA.

The session will conclude with a critical analysis on risk assessment with a focus on the use of flawed risk equations, the importance of rare events, and the need for ethical considerations.

Aaida Mamuji

Assistant Professor, Disaster & Emergency Management
York University

Mark Baker
Business Continuity Consultant

Christine Zimmer
Senior Manager of Water & Climate Change Science
Credit Valley Conservation

2:35 pm - 3:35 pm
Move or Stay Put? Governmental Views on Flooding

The response to flooding events in Canada is frequent and expensive. It is becoming more important for the government to remove the risk or apply resilient methods to create sustainable communities. This panel will explore the perspectives from different levels of government around decisions to stay put or move out. Discussions will be focused on strategic retreats and buyouts, and infrastructure investment.

Craig Stewart

Craig Stewart

Vice President, Federal Affairs
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Stéphanie Durand
Director General, Emergency Management Policy and Outreach
Public Safety Canada

Steve Ehrlich
Senior Advisor, Risk
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Eric Loubier
Director General, Canadian Centre for Mapping
Natural Resources Canada

3:35 pm - 4:05 pm
Networking Break

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4:05 pm - 5:05 pm
Resilience: The Whys and The Hows

As losses due to severe weather become more acute, for several reasons including a warming climate, it will be increasingly necessary for all of society – including the (re)insurance industry – to work together to, among other things, ensure that resilience measures are baked in to where and how we build/rebuild going forward. In this session, we will look at why resilience makes sense from a benefit/cost perspective, looking at the results of analysis which finds that the benefits of adding resilience measures to how we build/retrofit far outweigh the initial costs. The session will then look at what the (re)insurance industry would have to do in order to ensure that resilience is incorporated into insurers claims’ responses by considering the issue of policy wordings and reinsurance considerations and the challenges that surround making this happen.

Monica Ningen
President and CEO, Canada and English Caribbean
Swiss Re

Keith Porter
Chief Engineer
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

Kevin Smart

Kevin Smart
AVP, Personal Insurance, Underwriting Policy
Aviva Canada

5:05 pm - 5:30 pm
Student Delegate Presentations

Meredith DeCock-Caspell
Master of Sustainability Candidate
Brock University

Meredith Fyfe
MSc Candidate, Geophysics
Western University

Magda Goemans
PhD, Geography and Environmental Studies
Carleton University

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5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Cocktail Reception

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Day 3 - February 5

8:00 am - 8:45 am

8:45 am - 10:00 am
Canada’s Survival Guide to Overcoming a Major Earthquake

This panel will feature different views from experts on how Canada can prepare for and increase resiliency to a major earthquake. Charles Scawthorn will speak to the ICLR study on the possible fire damage following a major earthquake in Montreal. We will then hear from Nathalie Sirois of Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) regarding the results of an extensive study on earthquake risk in Canada which includes exposures, rates, take-up rates, individual policy forms and how fire following is handled. Finally, Greg Lowe from Aon will provide the social, physical and financial resilience lessons learned from the 2011 events in New Zealand and Japan.

Paul Cutbush

Paul Cutbush

Senior Vice President, Catastrophe Management
Aon Reinsurance Solutions

Greg Lowe

Greg Lowe
Global Head of Resilience and Sustainability