Day 1 - February 7

8:00 am
Registration Opens

8:00 am - 8:45 am

8:45 am - 9:00 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks

Laura Twidle

Laura Twidle
President and CEO
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification

Jim Abraham

Jim Abraham
Past President and Fellow
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Marjorie Brans

Marjorie Brans
Global Catalyst
The League of Intrapreneurs

9:00 am - 9:15 am
2022 CATs in Review

The conference will begin with an overview of catastrophes that occurred in 2022. This comprehensive review will include a chronology of events, geographic footprints of impacted areas, related media and insured loss estimates provided by CatIQ.

Laura Twidle

Laura Twidle
President and CEO
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification

9:15 am - 10:15 am
Modelling Risk in the Future Climate

This panel will focus on catastrophe modelling issues under climate change. The panel will open with an overview of climate model projections and their limitations, and discuss how these projections can inform views of catastrophe risk under climate change scenarios. Key use cases for business decision making will be highlighted. A brief overview of non-modelled perils and extreme events will close the session along with next steps in the modelling world. Panelists will include industry experts in reinsurance, climate science and catastrophe modelling.

James Waller

James Waller

Research Meteorologist
Guy Carpenter

Steve Bowen

Steve Bowen
Chief Science Officer
Gallagher Re

Brandon Katz

Brandon Katz
Executive Vice President, Member
KatRisk LLC

Michal Lorinc

Michal Lörinc
Head of Catastrophe Insight
Aon Impact Forecasting

Michael Young

Michael Young
Vice President, Model Product Management

10:15 am - 10:45 am
Networking Break

Session Sponsor

Morning Concurrent Session A
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Catastrophe Claims in the New Economy

Claims processes for major events like Hurricane Fiona and the BC floods would have looked quite different had they happened prior to 2020. The many variables that go into resolving a claim are much more dynamic than they were just a few short years ago. How have inflationary pressures altered the claims landscape? The panel will consider supply chain, duration of settlement, claims satisfaction, negotiation and other top-of-mind topics.

Jason Machtinger

Jason Machtinger

Senior Vice President

Jennifer Delorey

Jennifer Delorey
National Claims Leader (AVP), Property Claims
Aviva Canada Inc.

James Swayze

James Swayze
SVP, Insurance Business Development
CoreLogic, Insurance Solutions

Cortney Young

Cortney Young
VP, Contractor Connection and Platform Solutions
Crawford & Company (Canada) Inc.

Morning Concurrent Session B
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Innovations in Canadian Flood Modelling

Flood is one of the most impactful perils each year for Canadian communities. This session will include presentations on how flood is evolving in the changing climate, short-term forecasting, monitoring improvements, and flood risk modelling.

Greg Smith

Greg Smith

President, Canada
Crawford & Company (Canada) Inc.

Sarka Cerna

Šárka Černá
Head of Client Solutions
Aon Impact Forecasting

Steven Frey

Steven Frey
Senior Scientist

John Pomeroy

John Pomeroy
Director, Global Water Futures Programme
University of Saskatchewan

11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Keynote Address
Lunch and Keynote - Weather Permitting: Twenty-Five Years of Ice Storms, Hurricanes, and Extreme Climate Change in Canada

Chris was a weather presenter and journalist on The Weather Network for more than two decades, and is the author of the recently published book Weather Permitting: Twenty-Five Years of Ice Storms, Hurricanes, and Extreme Climate Change in Canada. From the hurricanes to hailstorms, ‘Canada’s Favourite Weatherman’ had a front row seat to a quarter-century of Canada’s catastrophes. Chris will share insights from his unique perspective on extreme weather and its impact on the country.

Chris St. Clair

Chris St. Clair
Journalist and Author

Afternoon Concurrent Session A
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Atmospheric Rivers, Derechos, and Other Scary Things - Meteorology 101

Derechos and atmospheric rivers and heat domes, oh my! Weird, wild weather phenomena have made a tremendous impact on the Canadian CAT world in the past couple of years, but what do all these terms mean? Join us for a fun, interactive session that will test your knowledge of Canada’s weather and offer a look back at notable examples of some of the worst weather has to offer.

Steve Bowen

Steve Bowen

Chief Science Officer
Gallagher Re

Caroline Floyd

Caroline Floyd
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification

Chris St. Clair

Chris St. Clair
Journalist and Author

Afternoon Concurrent Session B
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Indigenous Communities and Insurance

With the fastest growing demographic in the country, Canada’s Indigenous communities refer to First Nations people, Métis and Inuit. The Indigenous population averages 8.2 years younger than the non-Indigenous population overall. Why then is this group underserved by Canada’s insurance industry? What are the barriers to extending protection to Indigenous households and businesses? This panel will explore some of the challenges and exciting opportunities to serve Canada’s original peoples, and promote Truth and Reconciliation at the same time.

Marjorie Brans

Marjorie Brans

Global Catalyst
The League of Intrapreneurs

Brandon Baglien

Brandon Baglien
Vice President, Account Executive

Michelle Laidlaw

Michelle Laidlaw
AVP, National Product Portfolio (Home)
Co-operators General Insurance Company

Kevin Smart

Kevin Smart
Risk Mitigation Strategies Inc.

Afternoon Concurrent Session A
2:35 pm - 3:35 pm
West Coast Earthquake - The Known Unknowns

For Canada, the next big Quake isn’t a matter of “if” but a question of “when”. The science is evolving. The models are getting more accurate. And the consequences are now better understood. This panel will cover what every engaged Canadian needs to know…before it happens.

Alister Campbell

President & CEO

Dennis Chua

Dennis Chua
Senior Vice President, Head of Canadian and Caribbean Catastrophe Management

Tiegan Hobbs
Research Scientist
Natural Resources Canada

Sara McBride

Sara McBride
Research Social Scientist
U.S. Geological Survey

Afternoon Concurrent Session B
2:35 pm - 3:35 pm
The Lytton Recovery

Canada’s hot spot in 2021, Lytton, BC, recorded a temperature in excess of 49 degrees. In late June of that year, a wildfire tore through the community, destroying most of the residential and commercial buildings throughout the Village. This area is of significant historical importance as Indigenous people have occupied the area for over 10,000 years. This panel discussion will walk us through the recovery challenges and lessons learned as our industry addressed the damages from this very unique community.

Rob de Pruis

National Director, Consumer & Industry Relations
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Trevor Grieve

Trevor Grieve
Director Personal Strategy
Wawanesa Insurance

James Heigh

James Heigh
Recovery Project Manager
Village of Lytton, B.C.

3:35 pm - 4:05 pm
Networking Break

Session Sponsor

4:05 pm - 5:05 pm
The BC Floods - Local Perspectives

The 2021 BC flood is arguably the most impactful event ever to occur in Canada. This panel will review the preceding conditions and atmospheric mechanisms that led to the devastating flooding, and dive into local perspectives on impact and response.

Linda Brown

Linda Brown
Former Mayor
City of Merritt, B.C.

Tribal Chief Tyrone McNeil

Tyrone McNeil
President & Tribal Chief
Stó:lo Tribal Council

Bobby Sekhon

Bobby Sekhon
Warning Preparedness Meteorologist, Prediction Services - West
Meteorological Service of Canada, ECCC

5:05 pm - 5:30 pm
Student Delegate Presentations

Winners of our Student Delegate Program representing universities from across Canada will offer brief presentations of their work relating to catastrophes.

Shaieree Cottar

Shaieree Cottar
PhD Candidate & Coordinator for Canadian Coastal Resilience Forum
University of Waterloo

Marina Giannitsos

Marina Giannitsos
Master of Science, Agriculture & Resource Economics Candidate
University of Alberta

Preetish Kakoty

Preetish Kakoty
PhD Candidate, Engineering for Seismic Resilience Lab
University of British Columbia

Session Sponsor

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Cocktail Reception

Session Sponsor

Day 2 - February 8

7:45 am
Registration Opens

If you haven’t checked in yet, say hello and pick up your badge at the registration desk, outside of Room 718.

7:45 am - 8:30 am

Fuel up for a day of catastrophe content!

8:30 am - 9:30 am
Morning Keynote - Federal View on Disaster Risk

Day Two kicks off with a fireside chat featuring exclusive insights into the federal government’s initiatives related to disaster mitigation and adaptation.

Jason Clark

Jason Clark

National Director, Climate Change Advocacy
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Julie Dabrusin

Julie Dabrusin
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Government of Canada

9:30 am - 10:00 am
Networking Break

Session Sponsor

Morning Concurrent Session A
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Insurance Adjusting Challenges and Opportunities

Canada is no stranger to major floods and fires, but events of the past few years have taken place against a different economic backdrop than previous catastrophes. Being boots on the ground in this new environment brings some unique challenges – but new opportunities as well.
This panel discussion will speak to the latest challenges that have surfaced but also potential avenues to continue to serve the policyholder in the best way possible.

Stephen Coombs

Stephen Coombs

Vice President Insurance Programs

Janak Lally

Janak Lally
CIAA National President and Assistant Vice President, Lower Mainland & BC Interior

Hall Noble

Hall Noble
Senior Manager CAT Response, National Catastrophe Claims
TD Insurance

Kyle Winston

Kyle Winston

Morning Concurrent Session B
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Getting Out of Harm's Way with Managed Retreat

Being reactive after major disasters like floods can be costly to community members, both financially and emotionally. When does it make the most sense to move away from the risk? This session will cover what managed retreat looks like in Canadian communities.

Brent Doberstein

Brent Doberstein
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo

11:05 am - 12:20 pm
The BC Floods - Claims Perspective

Though it was one of the most impactful catastrophes to ever occur in Canada, the 2021 BC Flood resulted in a relatively small insured loss total. This panel will discuss how claims, incurred and uninsured, were handled amid supply chain disruptions, inflation, lack of labour and fragmentation of cover.

Dipika Deol

Senior Client Manager, Vice President, Public Sector Solutions
Swiss Re

Amy Avis

Amy Avis
General Counsel and Chief of Recovery Services
Canadian Red Cross

Joe Fidilio

Joe Fidilio
Chief Claims Officer
Zurich Canada

Daniel Loosemore

Daniel Loosemore
Chief of Sales & Operations
ServiceMaster Restore of Canada

12:20 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch & Fireside Chat - Sustainability, Adaptation, and the Financial Sector

Gillian Rutherford-Liske is Head of Sustainability of Swiss Re’s Reinsurance business unit. She is a passionate environmental scientist with a 14-year track record in various reinsurance roles. Her focus is bringing Swiss Re’s updated sustainability strategy to life and to work with clients to support resilient and sustainable communities over the long-term.

Blair Feltmate is the Head of the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, University of Waterloo. Previous positions he has held include Vice President, Sustainable Development, Bank of Montreal; Director, Sustainable Development, Ontario Power Generation; Partner, Sustainable Investment Group/YMG Capital Management.

Blair Feltmate

Blair Feltmate

Head, Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation
University of Waterloo

Gillian Rutherford-Liske

Gillian Rutherford-Liske
Head Reinsurance Sustainability
Swiss Re

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm
2023 Catastrophes: The Forecast Says?

Following another highly active year for natural catastrophes in 2022 across North America, the focus shifts to 2023. This session will give a quick overview on clues as to what Mother Nature could bring for the rest of the year, including a look at current ENSO conditions.

Steve Bowen

Steve Bowen
Chief Science Officer
Gallagher Re

2:20 pm - 2:30 pm
Closing Remarks

Laura Twidle

Laura Twidle
President and CEO
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification