Day 1 - February 1

7:30 am - 8:50 am

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8:55 am - 9:10 am
Welcome & Acknowledgements and Intro Address

Carolyn Rennie
Managing Director
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc.

Jim Abraham

Jim Abraham
Past President and Fellow
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

9:10 am - 9:25 am
2016 CATs in Review

The conference will begin with an overview of natural and man-made catastrophes that occurred in 2016. This comprehensive review will include a chronology of events, geographic footprints of impacted areas, related media and insured loss estimates provided by CatIQ.

Carolyn Rennie
Managing Director
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc.

9:30 am - 10:45 am
Fort McMurray Wildfire

On May 3, 2016, the town of Fort McMurray was impacted by Canada’s costliest catastrophe to date. The Fort McMurray Wildfire caused over $3.6 billion in insured losses and directly or indirectly impacted all Canadians. C4 2017’s Keynote Speaker, Fire Chief Darby Allen, will share what happened and the ongoing lessons of recovery and resiliency from this unprecedented event.

Skip McHardy
CRU Group Inc.

Darby Allen

Darby Allen
Fire Chief
Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Networking Break

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Morning Concurrent Session A
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Societal Impacts

Many are aware of the catastrophic property damage that can occur from natural disasters, but what about the effect on people? This panel of professionals, working in the fields of mental health and community sustainability, will share their observations on the societal impacts of catastrophes. Perspectives will include observations from the Douglas Institute relating to the 1998 Ice Storm; practitioner experience dealing with the mental recovery required after catastrophic events; a view of community sustainability and social structure specific to work done in coastal communities off the Gulf of St. Lawrence; and a presentation from the Canadian Red Cross.

David P. Laplante

David P. Laplante
Research Associate
Douglas Mental Health University Institute

Bill Tibbo

Bill Tibbo
President and CEO
Bill Tibbo and Associates

Liette Vasseur

Liette Vasseur
Full Professor and UNESCO Chair on Community Sustainability: From Local to Global
Brock University

Jean-Philippe Tizi
Vice-President, Emergency Management
Canadian Red Cross

Morning Concurrent Session B
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Terrorism Risk: International & Canadian Perspectives

When we talk about catastrophes, disastrous singular events are considered. In Canada, due to the frequency of occurrence, natural disasters top the list. However, man-made disasters such as terrorism pose a potential and significant threat that many have not yet considered. This panel of specialists in the field of Terrorism Risk will provide international and Canadian perspectives to shine some light on the topic of terrorism.

Mazdak Moini

Mazdak Moini

VP Commercial Lines & Reinsurance
Aviva Canada Inc.

Charlene Chia
Senior Risk Consultant
AIR Worldwide

Scott Bolton
Director, Business Development & Network Relations
Aon Risk Solutions

Terry Chowanec
Vice President, National Security Operations
The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd

Harris Silver
Manager High Risk Deployment, Operations and Contingency Planning, Production Solutions
CBC Radio Canada

12:20 pm - 2:05 pm
Lunch and Student Delegate Presentations

CatIQ’s Student Delegate Program provides networking opportunities to graduate students attending Canadian universities working in field of, and researching topics related to, resilience from catastrophes. The top five students will be selected as winners of the C4 2017 Student Delegate program and will present their research during the opening lunch.

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Afternoon Concurrent Session A
2:10 pm - 3:10 pm
Resilient Indigenous Communities

This concurrent session will share alternative perspectives in emergency management and highlight resiliency efforts and rich traditional history from indigenous communities in Canada. Join leaders from the communities of Lennox Island First Nation and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne to learn how they are preparing for climate change impacts.

Matilda Ramjattan

Matilda Ramjattan
Lennox Island First Nation

Steve Thomas
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Regina Jacobs
Emergency Management Officer
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Scott Peters
Environmental Assessment Officer, Environment Department
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne

Afternoon Concurrent Session B
2:10 pm - 3:10 pm
CAT Models - Model & Hazard Uncertainty

The alternative concurrent session delves deep into catastrophe (CAT) models with a focus on a particular peril that is heavily relied upon by models to predict its occurrence – earthquakes. Paul Cutbush from Aon Benfield will moderate a panel of subject matter experts from the top vendor models: AIR Worldwide, RMS, CoreLogic and Munich Re’s CAT model.

Paul Cutbush

Paul Cutbush

Senior Vice President, Catastrophe Management
Aon Reinsurance Solutions

Elliot Klein

Elliot Klein
Senior Scientist
AIR Worldwide

Justin Moresco
Manager, Model Product Management

Tom Larsen
Principal, Industry Solutions

Alexander Allmann
Head of Section/ Expert, Corporate Underwriting
Munich Re

3:10 pm - 3:35 pm
Networking Break

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3:10 pm - 4:40 pm
Disaster Assistance

The final session on the first day will discuss the financial implications of catastrophes with respect to disaster assistance programs. This panel will feature experts in Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements and distribution to provincial governments directly impacted.

Mazdak Moini

Mazdak Moini

VP Commercial Lines & Reinsurance
Aviva Canada Inc.

Jennifer Dolecki
Acting Executive Director, Recovery Branch
Alberta Emergency Management Agency

Matthew Godsoe
Manager, Research Unit
Public Safety Canada

Johanna Morrow
Manager, Recovery and Funding Program
Emergency Management BC

Rod Story

Rod Story
Financial Advisor/Analyst
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer

4:45 pm - 6:15 pm
Cocktail Reception and Student Delegate Posters

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Day 2 - February 2, 2017

7:30 am - 8:55 am

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9:00 am - 10:15 am
Lessons Learned from Ice, Flood & Hail

In order to learn how to prepare for catastrophes, we need to look back and review what did – or did not – work in past scenarios. This session will feature speakers discussing the 2013 Toronto Ice Storm, 2014 Burlington Flooding, and 2014 Airdrie Hail Storm.

Kyle Winston

Kyle Winston


Geoff Coulson
Warning Preparedness Meteorologist
Environment and Climate Change Canada

John Duong

John Duong
Manager of Systems Planning & Customer Service
Public Works, Halton Region

Sharon Pollyck
Manager, Legislative Services & Corporate Communications
City of Airdrie

10:15 am - 10:40 am
Networking Break

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Morning Concurrent Session A
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Geomagnetic Storms - The Next Black Swan

A recent Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies report estimated that a severe solar storm could cost the US economy $1.2tn in economic losses or $333.7bn in insured losses. Based on such massive numbers, why haven’t geomagnetic storms made it anywhere close to the level of notoriety of tropical cyclones or earthquakes? Moreover, with the majority of claims from solar storm catastrophes being indirect, service interruption claims, an important question is: How are Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity plans considering what appears to be an unconsidered Black Swan scenario?

Paul Cutbush

Paul Cutbush

Senior Vice President, Catastrophe Management
Aon Reinsurance Solutions

Balz Grollimund
Head Treaty Underwriting, Canada & English Caribbean
Swiss Re

Luis Marti

Luis Marti
Director Reliability Studies, Standards and Compliance
Hydro One

Morning Concurrent Session B
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Municipal Mitigation Success Stories

Climate change will continue to bring an increase in extreme weather events, and it is evident that communities need to prepare. In order to highlight the return on investment for adaptation and climate change measures with respect to municipalities, risk managers from several municipalities will share their municipal success stories.

Megan Meaney

Megan Meaney

ICLEI Canada

Loretta Chandler

Loretta Chandler
Director, Office of Emergency Management
City of Toronto

Fiona Dercole
Section Manager, Public Safety
District of North Vancouver

Marie-Eve Marquis

Marie-Eve Marquis
Ingénieure, Service de l'environnement, Division de la planification et du suivi environnemental
City of Montreal

Alain Normand

Alain Normand
Manager, Brampton Emergency Management Office
City of Brampton

11:50 am - 1:40 pm
Keynote Address
Lunch and Presentation

George Kourounis will provide us with an entertaining, educational and inspirations presentation. George’s experience facing extreme weather and natural disasters is unparalleled. In this presentation, he describes his most fearful and rewarding experiences and how they have sculpted his outlook on the world. George’s talk is an inspiring, personal chronicle of his quest to encounter and study some of the most awesome and powerful forces of nature.

Keynote Speaker
George Kourounis

Storm Chaser & Adventurer

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1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
How to Create an Inventory of Canadian Hazard Data

At C4 2016, an overarching outcome from the conference was hazard data: Where can it be found? What format is it in? What data requirements do different users or clients have? This session will discuss available data formats in C